Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why Japan? and now Korea...?

So why create a blog about Japan? I've never been there, I'm not Japanese (only half Chinese), and I am about 1% fluent in the why make a blog about it? BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME. I am essentially in love with the culture (at least the parts I know about), and by having this blog I will have a lovely "responsibility" to watch the newest music videos, movies, etc...right?
SECONDLY: I've decided this blog will also include lots of info on Korea simply because Korean pop music+fashion+dramas have a huge part to play in all parts of asia...including Japan. I actually fell in love with all things Korean before all things Japanese, so I can't abandon it now. In fact I was going to change the blog title to KakkoiiKankokujinKaizoku, but fortunately I realized that would be ridiculous because people seeing the blog wouldn't know what to call it. I figured it would be cool because it talked about Korean Pirates but was in Japanese, but alas...most people aren't too likely to know it means "cool korean pirates" @_@. (In case you're wondering, the title I used means "we be cool pirates-   Kakkoii=cool, Kaizoku=pirate or pirates)
And in case you're wondering, there IS a reason there are so many things about pirates, but I'll talk about that later ^^
I also enjoy this blog theme simply because it's original and a topic few people know much about. I've fallen in love with the language, the style of animation that is anime, the beautiful creations of the famous Japanese movie studio: Studio Ghibli, not to mention the music Japan consumes, and don't forget the FOOD they consume. I love it all. And I want to talk about it.


ready to get started?

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