Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hello again!~ French no mas, online Japanese え!

There is very little to share I'm afraid. I just thought I would mention that I have been taking French for the past school semester and, as one might imagine, didn't like it a whole lot because A) it's public school language education, and B) Japanese is (clearly) my thing.

However! Very soon, as in within the next week, I will finally be able to drop that class and pick up an online Japanese course that is provided through BYU (the credits then transfer to my high school). So happy day, my Japanese language education shall now continue even during the school year. I'm quite excited and can only hope that the course is decent, because as long as it is, I think I will be able to quite enjoy myself.

In the meantime I have semi-recently acquired Let's Learn Katakana and Let's Learn Kanji, the first by Yasuko Kosaka Mitamura and second by him and Joyce Mitamura (his daughter I believe?). I haven't completed either, but I have started on both, and Let's Learn Kanji is turning out to be quite informative thus far. It is also very fat.

Also, I've recently learned from a new friend of mine just how big soccer is in Japan and Korea, and I promise to post the full findings I have on that later! Though of course, who knows what later means, so feel free to research it yourself :D

I also gave this lovely computer the ability to type in Japanese which, now that I think about it, may come in handy for the upcoming class. I should probably make a post about that as well, it's not difficult. I installed a program for it from google, but then I realized that I think all I had to do was select the right option and it would type in Japanese without anything being installed. We'll see. It's just rather useless because I only know hiragana, and most of Japanese writing is kanji with a smattering of hiragana and katakana or so I've been told.

I also have been learning a bit more about each of the "Japanese alphabets" as I like to call them, and will most likely update that previous post about them (go to said blog post here).

I shall now cease procrastinating and return to my Algebra II homework. Probably. Either way I'll stop writing this post. When I do create all the posts I've just mentioned, the links will be added to this post. So if they aren't here you can assume I am "doing homework" instead of blogging.

Question of the Post: I used to pronounce ciao see-AY-oh. It made the term "ciao for now" in the Highlights kids magazine very confusing. Does anyone have a word like that that they just didn't pronounce right?

As always, if my posts are helpful in any way, let me know!

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